Monday, March 2, 2009

Libby is the Bread Bandit!

Even though Libby is 4-years-old she still sometimes acts like a puppy. Tonight, after dinner there were two buns sitting on the counter top. My mom was cleaning up after dinner and she left the kitchen for a few minutes, and when she came back both buns were gone! Libby jumped up and ate both buns while no one was in the kitchen. She probably swallowed them whole too. She usually doesn't chew her food, especially when she's excited she'll just swallow the food whole. Now my dad calls Libby the "bread bandit"!

Luckily, the buns weren't too hot because Libby has gotten a hold of food that was too hot before and almost immediately after she eats really hot food, she gets sick. She can't handle the hot temperature of food.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Libby Puts the "Retriever" in Golden Retriever

If you know Libby or have been reading this blog, then you know that Libby loves to carry around a variety of things in her mouth including the remote control, clothes, stuffed animals and water bottles. These are the norm for her to carry around.

Libby Has No Fear...
Well, this week she brought in something brand new from outside...A WASP'S NEST! Somehow she got a hold of a wasp's nest and brought it inside. She has no fear of bees and wasps like I do. My family has to be careful when we let Libby in from outside because she often brings in rocks or sticks and she likes to chew on them and make a mess in the dining room. Unfortunately, she has also found a bird in our backyard and tried to bring that into the house too. So, whenever we let Libby in we always look in her mouth and see if it looks full or not. I guess it's just in her nature to have the desire to retrieve all these things.

Libby Wants to Play Baseball...
As you see in these pictures, Libby brought a bat and ball inside that she found in the backyard. Although, she couldn't figure out how to get the bat to fit through the door.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Libby Can't Go On Vacation with Us

My grandparents are talking about taking the whole family on a vacation for a week this summer and Libby can't go. So, my sister will most likely stay here to be with Libby so we don't have to put her in a kennel. We don't feel comfortable leaving Libby in a kennel, we know it would make her really nervous and we want to make sure she always receives the best care possible. This is why my sister does not mind staying here and taking care of Libby.

We also can't have Libby stay at someone else's house because she is really...a handful. Libby doesn't adapt well to other environments since she never travelled as a puppy. She is used to life at our house so having someone dog sit her, unfortunately, is not an option.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Libby had Company This Weekend...

My parents' friends came over to my house this weekend and they brought their six-month-old bull dog. His name is Mojo. Libby chased Mojo while they were outside but once they came inside, she wasn't too interested in him anymore. Libby didn't have to socialize much with Mojo because he isn't house trained yet and he had to stay in his crate in the living room. Libby gets a little nervous around other dogs. She isn't really interested in making friends with them. She likes to have the attention all on her. Libby prefers her friends to be people. She also likes rabbits, but that's another story.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Libby Wants a Valentine

Last night when I came home, I had my Valentine's gifts from my boyfriend, Anthony, in my hands. When I walked in the door Libby was so excited. She was jumping all over me and trying to get to my flowers and the bear stuffed animal I was holding. I know she likes carrying around stuffed animals in her mouth and I know that she likes Anthony a lot too so I'm not sure which is the reason why she was so excited about my Valentine's Day gifts...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Libby's Walk in the Park

Today my mom and sister took Libby for a walk at the park near our house. I was sad because it was so pretty outside and I really wanted to go with them! Unfortunately, I couldn't go because I had class. When my mom got Libby's leash out and told her they were going to go "Bye-bye" and "Go for a walk", Libby got so excited. She was jumping around on the furniture (even though she's not supposed to, but she does what she wants) and she was crying with excitement!

It's Lonely at Home Without Libby...
Everyone left and I stayed at home getting ready for school. It was lonely without Libby at home! I kept looking for her and talking to her and then I would remember she was gone! When I was eating lunch, I had to go downstairs to get a Mountain Dew and I instinctively pushed my pizza into the middle of the table because I'm so used to Libby jumping up and stealing my food if I leave it too close to the edge of the table!

Libby at the Park...
My mom told me about Libby's walk and it didn't go so well. My mom and sister had to leave the park and take Libby back home because she couldn't handle the hike! Libby was not properly socialized as a puppy because her behavior was too bad for us to able to take her anywhere. Therefore, Libby acts crazy while riding in the car and while taking hikes. She gets all out of breath. She tried jumping on people as they passed by and my mom decided that Libby needed to go home.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Libby Isn't Always Very Photogenic

Libby is so pretty and she does the cutest things but she doesn't always take the best pictures. Libby doesn't like to have her picture taken. When someone tries to take her picture she'll walk away. A lot of times she'll close her eyes in pictures or just make really weird faces. She even smiles. See for yourself!