Sunday, February 8, 2009

Libby's Favorite Person is My Boyfriend

Libby really likes my boyfriend, Anthony. She has known him all of her life but every time he comes over to my house, it’s like the first time for Libby. She cries and jumps all over Anthony leaving him covered in her gold and white hair!

As I said before, Libby can cause stress. When Anthony comes over she is really annoying! She jumps up and down and will not leave Anthony alone. My dad has to be stern with her (because unfortunately, he’s the only she will listen to) and tell Libby to come in the living room by him and lay down.

The other day, Anthony wanted to see what Libby would do if he didn’t pet her. He was sitting on the couch and he was completely still. Libby was crying and standing on her back legs with her front legs on the couch. Anthony sat there with his hands on his legs. Libby was getting really impatient! She jumped on the couch and maneuvered herself so Anthony had no choice but to pet her! Libby stuck her long nose and big head under one of Anthony’s arms. Then she was able to put her whole body on top of Anthony’s lap! Libby was successful at getting Anthony to pet her. Libby loves Anthony.

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